MFA Rule Evaluation

Unlike typical rules and trust providers, evaluation and onboarding is handled completely within CitizenOne.

The MFA Rule may be applied to any policy and will require the user’s session to be authenticated with a Multi-Factor Authentication method.

Evaluation Steps

When evaluating this rule it checks the user’s JWT and authenticators. The claim providers offered to the user will be filtered depending on the following cases:

Session is MFA:

Rule Passed

Session is not MFA:
User has an ACTIVE MFA:

Prompt user to complete MFA challenge

User has a PENDING SMS:

Send SMS code and prompt user to verify

User has no MFA:

Offer user to create TOTP or SMS


The TOTP flow is the simplest, requiring two internal trust providers. These are Add an Authenticator App and Challenge TOTP.

Add an Authenticator App

This will be offered to the user if they have no PENDING or ACTIVE MFA strategies. This trust provider uses the onboarding form: create-totp-auth-method. The form contains a QR Code component with a dataURL of https://authentication-service/api/v1/authentication/users/$identityId/mfa/createTOTP. This creates a pending TOTP upon form load which the user can complete and enter their 6-digit code on the form. Side-effect: this claim provider attempts to activate the 2fa method.

Challenge TOTP Trust Provider

This will be offered to users with an ACTIVE TOTP authenticator. It simply prompts for their 6-digit verification code.


This requires 3 internal trust providers, these being Setup SMS Verification, Verify SMS Authentication Method, and Challenge SMS Authenticator.

Setup SMS Verification

This trust provider uses the onboarding form create-sms-auth-method and simply asks the user for their phoneNumber and creates a PENDING SMS authenticator. Note this has a special case of NOT sending out a text message.

Verify SMS Authentication Method

This provider will be offered to the user if they have a PENDING SMS method. Using ClaimProviderDto.onboardingContext, it passes identityId and mfaId to the frontend which is injected into the nocode form which finally POSTs to https://authentication-service/api/v1/authentication/users/$identityId/mfa/$mfaId/resendSMS to generate and text a fresh 6-digit verification to the user onload. It has a single input for the 6-digit verification code. Side-effect: this claim provider attempts to activate the 2fa method.

Challenge SMS Authenticator

This claim provider uses form challenge-sms-auth-method which onload texts the user a 6-digit code using the strategy defined in Verify SMS Authentication Method. It contains a single input for the 6-digit verification code.